5 Reasons to Remove a Popcorn Ceiling

Cblog-ceilingommonly known as a popcorn or cottage cheese ceiling, textured ceilings emerged in the 1930s and grew in popularity from the ‘50s to the ‘80s. Yet, many homes still contain the material, initially sprayed on or added as tiles, and homeowners start to wonder, “Should I keep it or remove it?”

Many choose the latter option for the following reasons:

1. It’s Dated

Because popcorn ceilings haven’t been trendy for nearly 30 years, they give homes an old, dated appearance. Adding paint in place for a flat, even appearance drastically modernizes your space.

2. It May Contain Asbestos

Prior to 1980, textured ceilings and patching compounds contained asbestos. While not harmful if left alone, loose asbestos materials put the fibers into the air; breathing them in increases your risk for developing mesothelioma.

To determine if your popcorn ceiling contains asbestos, have an accredited laboratory test the material, and then hire professionals to remove the ceiling.

3. They’re hard to paint over and difficult to maintain

Until you remove it, a popcorn ceiling is left looking the exact same way – albeit a little bit dirtier – for years. The rough texture makes it difficult to repaint, unless you or a professional takes a standard paint brush over the surface – a very time-consuming process.

Yet, while you might not be able to change the look, maintenance is also difficult. The material becomes a magnet for dust and debris; however, cleaning older textured ceilings may release asbestos into the air.

4. They Exacerbate Allergies

Along with holding onto dirt, the crevices trap airborne pollutants and dust. This means that whatever aggravates your allergy – dust, pollen, or pet dander – always remains in your home.

5. It was poorly installed

30-plus years ago, your popcorn ceiling might have been sprayed on with minimal preparation. Now, the material’s starting to crack and peel off. As a result, the particles get all over everything, require constant cleaning, and risk getting asbestos all over your home.

When you want to remove a textured ceiling, contact M. Brett Painting today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.