The 7 Most Essential Warm-Weather Improvements

Painter-painting-exterior-trimWhen spring is coming to an end and the summer is just beginning, the weather is perfect for doing various cleaning tasks and exterior maintenance projects. So, during this window of available time for home improvements, what should you consider?

1. Windows

When you wash your siding, don’t forget about your windows in the process. As you go through this exterior cleaning procedure, wash the glass, sashes and inspect the material for any rot or mold.

2. Gutters

It’s recommended that you clean out your gutters at least twice a year – more if you live in a wooded area, which covers several areas of Connecticut. In this process, remove all leaves and debris and make sure the gutters drain correctly. Otherwise, you could experience mold issues in the basement, a leaking roof or foundation problems in the near future.

3. Siding

Check your siding for any cracks and bulges, along with mildew and rot. At the same time, if you paint your siding, make sure the coat is still free of cracks, chips and film.

4. The Roof

Much like your siding, your roof could also be showing signs of wear and tear. If left unchecked, they could lead to internal damage inside your home. Perform a thorough inspection for any rot and missing or damaged shingles.

5. Exterior Paint

No matter the surface or fixture, check your home’s exterior paint job – even on the windows and doors. When you notice cracks, flaking, a white film or discoloration, it could be time for a new coat.

6. Chipped Concrete and Asphalt

Cracked walkways and driveways could potentially lead to an injury or auto damage, so check around your property. When oil and dirt have seeped through, a thorough pressure washing by a professional might be needed.

If you own a commercial building, also check the lines in the parking lot. If they’re at all faded, have them re-painted so employees and customers will have an easier time finding a space.

7. Caulking

No matter the time of year, you don’t want the elements trekked into your home. One of the quickest ways to create a barrier is to add caulk. Check around windows and doors for gaps and repair them with a caulk gun.

Considering exterior painting or pressure washing? Schedule these and other summer home improvement projects through M. Brett Painting. To learn more or to make an appointment, contact us today.